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Friday, May 22, 2015

TRNN Debate - Are GMOs Safe?


Glynn Kalara said...

The real issue with GMO's isn't whether their safe to eat , its the effect these plants might be having on the larger environment. Nobody really knows what the unintended consequences are of using these plants. In essence they're a huge experiment, but we should all understand that most of the food we now eat is man created. The great botanist Luther Burbank created half of the vegetable and fruit species we eat today and he did it over 100 yrs ago. So, its not like the foods now being consumed are natural in the strictest sense of the word. GMO are just another step in the progression of mankind altering the natural world for its own benefit.

Jim Sande said...

I'm sure I inadvertently eat GMO food probably from the corn stuff. Generally I go for organic. If something disagrees, I feel it pretty quick. I think most people are used to eating and feeling pretty bad afterwards. They're used to that experience with food. Interesting comment on Luther Burbank - I'll check him out. It is a big experiment, reminds me of the first nuke explosion when scientists were not really sure if the explosion would be contained or if there would be a chain reaction that destroyed the world as we know it. I wish the GOP would train their science doubt on GMOs.