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Saturday, October 03, 2015


IBD: Donald Trump Falls: Ben Carson Surges To Lead In Poll
The nationwide survey found that 24% of Republicans back Carson, compared with 17% who say they support Trump.


Anonymous said...

I still wonder when all the dust settles if the GOP goes with ¡Jeb!

I'm sort of tired of Nader and his friends with their "there's not a dime's worth of difference" between Bush & Gore, or between Obama & McCain, or Obama & Rmoney, or HRC & ¡Jeb!.

Glynn Kalara said...

Did anyone here see the Tarentino movie of a few yrs. ago called DJANGO? Sam Jackson's character in this black revenge movie best characterizes the kind of person Dr. Ben Carson portrays in this years pathetic GOP Presidential field. He's a pathetic little Uncle Tom, a GOP lawn jockey ornament with a ring in his nose.

Jim Sande said...

It's hard for me to listen to Carson. I seriously doubt he brings in the black vote for the GOP, everybody knows what's what.