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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Hillary Leads

MSNBC: Poll: Clinton still holds national lead and most dems think she will win nomination


Glynn Kalara said...

MSNBC is Hillary central 24/7 and totally biased. Maddow is totally for Hillary. We'll see soon enough.

Jim Sande said...

Maddow and Tweety are all in on Hillary, but I'm not sure about Chris Hayes.

Glynn Kalara said...

Most of the "liberal" elite media people and pols are all in for Billary. No surprise there, they're all part of the 1% and all work for the .001% , no matter what they say. I don't see any of these "Limo liberals" doing a thing for the average working person. The last (D) pol that cared for the common man was LBJ and his affliction was that being a Texan he was all in for the MIC. Nevertheless, he gave us Medicare and that was half the way to single payer for everyone. Bernie won't get us to SP , but he will grease the skids toward it's eventual adoption. The shear ruthlessness and greed of the present system ( ACA AKA Obamaramacare)) and it's brutal Corporatist application , plus the fact that it doesn't even provide Universal Ins. will eventually crash it. Hillary will just make it even more Corp. friendly. She's not even trying to say other wise.