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Monday, February 08, 2016


From a deep operative on Facebook:
Chris Christie's New Hampshire motto - Live Free Or Diet


Glynn Kalara said...

Christie's take down of Rubio was epic Christie. Rubio looked like the little kid on the schoolyard that just had his lunch pail snatched away from him by the BIG FAT schoolyard BULLY! It was, I doubt Marco is going to be President of anything much after his cowering sweating performance. I have to thank Chris for taking out the GOP's ONLY sane Presidential hope this fall. Had Marco survived that assault and shut his mouth instead of going on and on and on like a broken robot he had a shot at the brass ring.

Jim Sande said...

Watch out for Kasich. Rubio can still recover, it's still early and don't forget we are dealing with the most gullible voting block probably in the history of politics globally.